Bringing new dawn to cancer treatment through technology and innovation

ArcherQA® - Independent QA Dose-Check Software
Enables accurate and fast dose verification
Turn-key QA solution for the entire radiotherapy treatment planning and delivery process
Minimizes the burden of tedious in-phantom measurements
Independent dose calculations to ensure the quality of plans
Supported particle types: photon, electron, proton, heavy ion, and neutron
DeepPlan® - Treatment Planning System(TPS)
Manual and automatic delineation functions
3D-CRT, IMRT DMLC, VMAT SRS/SBRT plan design and optimization
All "O" and "C" type accelerators available on the market
DeepContour® - Automatic Segmentation of OARs and Targets
Fast and accurate image auto-segmentation
Multi-modality image registration
AI model training platform
Support 100+ OARs, 16+ target areas automatic outlining
Unattended automation service